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Quake 3 Beginners Guide
The default key to take a screenshot either while in-game or in the menu is F11. To take a screenshot of the console itself, open the console and type in /screenshot or /screenshotjpeg
The first command saves screenshots as a TGA image files, while the latter saves as smaller JPG image files. If you always want F11 to take JPG screenshots to save valuable hard drive space, enter the following in the console:
/bind F11 screenshotjpeg
You can find your screenshots in the screenshots folder in baseq3. Mods often contain their own screenshots subfolder.
*.tga files can be opened in programs such as IrfanView, ACDSee, Adobe Photoshop, TheGimp, or Paint Shop Pro.
NOTE: in point release 1.32 you can either bind a key to screenshotjpeg or use the console command /screenshotjpeg to take a jpg screenshot.
/bind F11 screenshotjpeg