Team *A51* Maps and More

You Were Never Here!

Quake 3 Beginners Guide


Bots are artificial players with limited intelligence intended for offline play or practice. Playing a single player campaign versus bots through the tiered-system of maps is an excellent way to become familiarized with Quake III Arena and will go a long way towards preparing for the online multiplayer experience.

Bots can be given commands via the console with the say_team command during teamplay situations.

I am the leader
…this will let bots know that you are the leader. No other bot will assume command.
The bot should follow/accompany/cover/go for the specified time. If no time is specified, the bot will carry out commands indefinitely. (However, bots, like humans, can tire of doing the same thing over and over again and may randomly go do their own thing again.)

The commands:

      follow for xx (where xx is time frame)
      follow forever
      accompany for xx
      accompany forever
      cover for xx
      cover forever
      go with
      go with for xx
      go with forever
      go to (Bot should go either to the specified location or pick up the specified object)
      patrol from x to y (Bot will run back and forth between specified locations and/or objects for the specified time)
      patrol from x to y for xx
      patrol from x to y forever
      camp near (Bot will camp and defend near the specified location or object for specified time)
      camp near for xx
      camp near forever
      camp here (Bot will guard YOUR present location for a specified period of time)
      camp here for xx
      camp here forever
      camp there (Bot will guard its own location for a specified periond of time)
      camp (Bot will camp at specified object or location for specified time)
      camp for xx
      camp forever
      defend for xx
      defend forever
      guard for xx
      guard forever
      help (Bot should find and assist other team member)
      lead the way (then give action ? bot will wait for you to follow) Bot will go on ahead, then perform specified action
      kill (Bot will hunt down and kill specified player)
      hunt down
      dismissed (Bot will stop performing the last task you commanded it to do and commence roaming)
      stop action
      I am the leader
      I quit being the leader (Allows a bot to become the team leader and give commands)
      I quit being team leader
      I stop being the leader
      I stop being team leader

For further info refer to the Bot Commands helpfile "\Extras\Help\BotCommands.html" located in your Quake3 install folder (default path is c:\program files\quake III arena)